Owners of affordable housing projects developed with Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and HOME Investment funds in the District of Columbia are hereby notified to file the 2012 Annual Owner’s Certifications of Compliance and 2013 Monitoring Compliance Fees (fees are only for Tax Credit funded properties), as required by federal regulations by February 15, 2013. The documents required for the annual owner’s compliance monitoring responsibilities with the District of Columbia, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), are available here.
The LIHTC or HOME Owner’s Certificate of Continuing Program must be submitted and signed by an authorized member of the ownership entity. All other forms and documents must be returned electronically to [email protected].
The requested monitoring forms and documents for the 2012 calendar year are listed below:
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
- Hard Copy: LIHTC Owner’s Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance (NOTE: Original signature required)
- Electronic: Building Status and Vacancy Report
- Electronic: Attachments 1 and 2, Current History of Project Contacts and Project Specifics
- Electronic: Reporting Period Year Utility Allowance Support Documentation
- Compliance Monitoring Fees per invoice
HOME Investment Partnerships
- Hard Copy: HOME Owner’s Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance (NOTE: Original signature required)
- Electronic: HOME Semi-Annual Compliance Report Table
- Electronic: Attachments 1 and 2, Current History of Project Contacts and Project Specifics
- Electronic: Reporting Period Year Utility Allowance Support Documentation
Failure to submit or complete forms in its entirety (including owner signature) may result in noncompliance with federal regulations governing the District of Columbia.
Mailing Address for LIHTC and HOME Owner’s Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance Documents:
Sharron Campbell
Program Support Assistant
Government of the District of Columbia
Department of Housing and Community Development
Office of Program Monitoring
1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20020