(Washington, DC) - The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 24 regarding the agency’s “Draft Fiscal Year 2010 Consolidated Annual Action Plan for the District of Columbia.” The hearing will begin at 6:30 pm. and will be held at 441 4th Street, NW inside the Old Council Chamber.
The purpose of the hearing is to provide the public with an opportunity to express its views on the plan and budget the agency will submit to the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the following federal entitlement programs: Community Development Block Grant; HOME Investment Partnerships; Emergency Shelter Grant; and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program.
The public’s input, along with consideration for the District’s economic development strategy, citywide strategic plan, and identified strategic target areas, will help the agency finalize the plan for submission to the City Council and HUD. Also up for review is DHCD’s Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) for FY 2010. The CPP outlines the agency’s processes for ensuring that residents are a part of the planning process in the development of the Annual Action Plan.
Both documents will be available to the public for review after Friday, February 20, 2009, at DHCD, all public library branches, ANC offices, and the following community-based organizations: Housing Counseling Services, Inc. at 2410 17th Street, NW; Lydia’s House at 3939 South Capitol Street, SW; Central American Resources Center at 1460 Columbia Road, NW; Latino Economic Development Corporation at 2316 18th Street, NW; University Legal Services (NE) at 220 I Street, NE; University Legal Services (SE) at 3220 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE; and Marshall Heights Community Development Organization at 3939 Benning Road, NE. The documents are also available below.
Residents who wish to present oral testimony are encouraged to call DHCD at (202) 442-7215 or register by email at [email protected] no later than close of business on Monday, March 23, 2009. Please provide your name, address, telephone number, and organizational affiliation, if any.
Language interpretation services will be provided to pre-registered persons only. The deadline for requesting sign language or language interpreter services is Monday, March 16. Residents requesting language interpretation should call (202) 442-7215. Please specify language (i.e. Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese-Mandarin/Cantonese, Amharic, or French). Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) relay service is available by calling (800) 201-7165. Bilingual (English-Spanish) staff will provide services on an availability basis to walk-ins without registration.
Written statements may be submitted for the record at the hearing or until close of business on Friday, March 27, 2009. Written statements may be mailed to: Leila Finucane Edmonds, Director, DHCD, Attention: Office of Strategy and Communications, 1800 Martin Luther King Jr, Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20020.