
DHCD's Development Finance Division provides funding to assist with the development of community and commercial facilities that serve District of Columbia neighborhoods. These facilities include community office buildings, clinics, day care centers and recreation centers.

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) are eligible for certain set-aside funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program (which is governed by federal regulations at 24 C.F.R. Part 92).

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provides funding to highly qualified Community-Based Non-Profit Organizations (CBOs) that support the agency’s affordable housing and community development programs in the following areas:

Support for housing and community development nonprofits.

Contact TCAM for mortgage payment relief requests due to COVID-19 for DHCD loans.

Know your rights. District residents cannot be evicted during the public health emergency.

DHCD's Development Finance Division (DFD) provides funding for the development of rental, homeownership and community facility developments that serve District of Columbia neighborhoods.

Subordination, payoff and loan confirmation request instructions for DHCD loans.

The District Opportunity to Purchase Act (DOPA) promotes affordable rental housing by maintaining the affordable status of existing affordable rental units as well as increasing the total number of affordable rental units within the District.

The Employer-Assisted Housing Program (EAHP) offers eligible District government employees a deferred, 0% interest loan and a matching funds grant for down payment and closing costs to purchase their first single family home, condominium, or cooperative unit in the District.

Fair Housing Responsibilities of CDBG and HOME Funds Subrecipients

DHCD provides counseling services for homeowners who are behind in their mortgage payments, or who are subject to foreclosure.

This program provides interest-free loans to purchase single family houses, condos and co-ops.

The HAF program can help income-qualified District homeowners facing financial troubles.

DHCD provides homeownership opportunities to District of Columbia low-to-moderate income residents who are first time homebuyers.