DHCD's Development Finance Division (DFD) provides funding for the development of rental, homeownership and community facility developments that serve District of Columbia neighborhoods. As both the creation and preservation of affordable housing units are important to DHCD, DFD plays a prominent role in helping the agency achieve its annual multifamily housing production goals.
Development Finance provides many services to District of Columbia residents:
- 2023 Threshold Review and Evaluation Scoring Application - new
- Affordable Housing Preservation Fund
- Build Green DC
- Community Development Block Grant Program
- Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) Developments
- HANTA - High-Area Needs Tax Abatement - new
- Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program
- Housing Production Trust Fund
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program
- National Housing Trust Fund
- Oramenta Newsome Nonprofit Development Fund
- Small Building Program
- Site Acquisition Funding Initiative (SAFI)
- Tax Credit Allocation
- Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Assistance
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