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Department of Housing and Community Development

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HANTA - High-Area Needs Tax Abatement

HANTA - the High-Area Needs Tax Abatement is a property tax abatement program developed by Mayor Bowser to spur the development of new affordable housing units in areas of the District that have the highest dedicated affordable housing goals as identified in the Mayor’s Housing Equity Report.

Eligibility Requirements

Location: HANTA is an abatement of real property taxes available to new developments in the Rock Creek West, Rock Creek East, Capitol Hill, and Upper Northeast planning areas, or within 1000 feet of those areas. 

Affordability: At least 1/3 of the housing units developed must be affordable to and rented by households earning 80% or less of the Median Family Income (MFI). None of the affordable units may be rented to households earning more than 100% of the MFI. Housing units must meet the same square footage requirements of the District’s Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) program regulations.

Development: New developments must utilize 35% CBE for the construction and operations of the development and must enter into a First Source agreement for building operations.

Abatement Details: The abatement of real property tax is available for up to 40 years for qualifying projects.

APPLY: If you are interested in increasing affordable housing in the District, the HANTA Request for Applications (RFA) is now open, with applications accepted on a rolling basis. Apply or inquire at [email protected].