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Department of Housing and Community Development

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Transforming Vacant and Blighted Properties

Through its Property Acquisition and Disposition Division (PADD), the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) stabilizes neighborhoods by decreasing the number of vacant and abandoned residential properties in the District, and transforming vacant and/or abandoned residential properties into homeownership opportunities for District residents at all income levels.

Current and Ongoing Opportunities:

2025 Winter Solicitation for Offers

FY2024 Bundle Solicitation for Offers

Three Functions:

PADD has three main functions:

  1. encourages property owners to rehabilitate and/or occupy their vacant abandoned and deteriorated residential property;
  2. acquires such properties through negotiated friendly sale, eminent domain, donation or tax sale foreclosure when owners are unwilling or unable to maintain them; and
  3. disposes of properties in the PADD inventory by selling them to individuals or developers to rehabilitate into high quality affordable and market-rate single- and/ or multi-family for-sale housing in District neighborhoods.

Disposition Methods and Results:

  1. solicitation of offers;
  2. lottery; and
  3. auction.

PADD (including its earlier incarnations, the Homestead and Home Again Programs) has successfully acquired and disposed of hundreds of vacant, abandoned and deteriorated properties in the District and created affordable housing opportunities for District residents.