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Department of Housing and Community Development

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Small Buildings Program

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) - Housing Preservation Unit (HPU) announces changes to the Small Buildings Program, establishing two subprograms, the Small Housing Provider Grant and the Small Property Loan Program. Updates to the current Small Buildings Grant program will serve a broader representation of owners, and repairs are expected to improve sub-standard housing conditions, including safety and environmental hazards in the District.

The Small Housing Provider Grant Program provides grants to eligible property owners of multifamily buildings of two (2) to fifty (50) units for moderate renovations, repairs, and the elimination of hazardous and unsafe living conditions. The grant would allow $65,000 per unit and a maximum of $350,000 per project.

The Small Property Loan Program provides financing to eligible property owners of affordable housing with five (5) to fifty (50) units to rehabilitate and make repairs. The maximum grant per project is $1,000,000, and $65,000 per dwelling unit.