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Department of Housing and Community Development

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Consolidated Planning Process

What is the Consolidated Plan?

The consolidated planning process is a federal requirement for states and jurisdictions that receive entitlement resources through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It is intended to be used as a tool to assess affordable housing and community development needs through public input and market analysis. The Consolidated Plan is updated every five years and submitted to HUD. All projects and initiatives funded over the planning period must tie back to the policies and priorities outlined in the plan. For more information about the consolidated planning process, please visit HUD Exchange.

In addition to the Plan, the District is required to complete two plans and one report on an annual basis before funds can be spent.

What is the Annual Action Plan and Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan?

The first is the Annual Action Plan, which specifies project and program information about how the funds are intended to be used to meet the priority needs identified in the Consolidated Plan.

The second report is the Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan which specifies allocation priorities and guidelines for use of the Housing Trust Fund.

What is the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)?

At the end of the year, the District is required to submit a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) which details how the City spent its federal funds and whether or not the City met the goals set forth in the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan during that year. For access to past plans and reports, visit DHCD – Reports.

Prior to final submission to HUD, all plans and reports are published in draft form for public comment for a minimum of 30 days, followed by at least one public hearing.

Once submitted, HUD has 45 days to provide comments to DHCD on the plans before they are made final.

Five Federal Resources Included in the Plan

The consolidated planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities that align and focus funding from the four Community Planning and Development formula block grant programs and the National Housing Trust Fund:

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is the District’s most flexible funding resource and can be used for both housing and non-housing activities, including those that revitalize neighborhoods, promote economic development, and improve community facilities, infrastructure, and services in low-moderate income communities. DHCD administers this program and anticipates receiving $13.7 million each year.

The HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program supports building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent, homeownership, or provides direct rental assistance to low-income residents. DHCD administers this program anticipates receiving $3.7 million each year.

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program provides funding for programs and services supporting homeless individuals and families to engage homeless individuals to help operate shelters, provide essential services to shelter residents, rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families, and prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless. The Department of Human Services administers this program and anticipates receiving $1.2 million each year.

The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program makes grants to the District and nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. The Department of Health administers this program and anticipates receiving $11.17 million. HOPWA funds are distributed to the entire Washington, DC Eligible Metropolitan Statistical Area- District of Columbia, counties in Northern Virginia, Calvert, Charles and Prince George’s Counties, Maryland and parts of West Virginia).

The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) supports the production, preservation, rehabilitation, and operation of housing affordable to extremely low-income households earning less than 30% of the area median income. DHCD administers this program and anticipates receiving $3 million per year.