Talbert Street Relief FAQ
The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has provided a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of the relief provided to the River East at Grandview Condominium homeowners.

Talbert Street Relief FAQ
The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has provided a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of the relief provided to the River East at Grandview Condominium homeowners.
Question: Have the Mayor and Council agreed to provide relief for homeowners at River East at Grandview Condominium?
Answer: Yes. Financial assistance for homeowners at River East at Grandview Condominium has been authorized by Relief for River East at Grandview Condominium Owners Emergency Act of 2024 (D.C. Act 25-0447) and Relief for River East at Grandview Condominium Owners Temporary Act of 2024 (D.C. Law 25-196) to implement measures to provide necessary assistance to displaced homeowners in support of permanent, safe and habitable housing.
Question: What assistance do these legislative actions provide?
Answer: These legislative actions authorized measures to provide financial relief and other assistance to current homeowners, including loan forgiveness and other assistance to secure permanent housing solutions.
Question: Will homeowners be responsible for real estate property taxes?
Answer: All D.C. real property taxes, including interest, penalties, fees, and other related charges, assessed against the property from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2025 will be forgiven, and a refund will be provided for all real property taxes paid from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2025 1.
Question: What assistance do these legislative actions provide?
Answer: These legislative actions authorized measures to provide financial relief and other assistance to current homeowners, including loan forgiveness and other assistance to secure permanent housing solutions.
Question: Will my family be allowed to return to Talbert Street?
Answer: The DC Department of Buildings (DOB) has determined that all units at River East at Grandview are uninhabitable and homeowners will not be able to return.
Question: Why do I have to transfer my deed to the District?
Answer: Homeowners must transfer their deed(s) to the District to qualify for any available financial assistance.
Question: What current loans taken by the homeowners will be forgiven?
Answer: Any outstanding debt secured from the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) and any remaining balance from a Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) or an Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP) loan taken by a homeowner will be forgiven and will not be considered income for tax purposes in the District2.
Question: Am I eligible for another HPAP loan?
Answer: Yes. Homeowners are eligible for HPAP assistance of at least $70,000 or up to $202,000, with the final amount determined by specifics of their application. HPAP assistance is subject to funding availability.
Question: Are there other types of financial assistance if homeownership does not appeal to me?
Answer: There is an option of a $30,000 payment for a permanent rental housing solution, once a signed lease for a rental property within the District of Columbia is in place. Talbert homeowners will also retain their HPAP eligibility, if a decision is made to buy a home in the District at a later time.
Question: Will moving expenses be paid for?
Answer: All Homeowners will also receive up to $6,500 in reimbursement for storage and moving expenses.
Question: Will the District negotiate a below market mortgage interest rate with lenders on behalf of Homeowners?
Answer: No, the District will not negotiate on behalf of homeowners for a below market mortgage interest rate with lenders.
Question: Are there other grants or other gap financing resources available?
Answer: Other District provided financial assistance options for homeowners at River East at Grandview are those authorized and agreed upon by the Mayor and DC Council through the above-mentioned legislative actions.
1 D.C. Official Code § 47-811.02; except, that D.C. Official Code § 47-811.02(b) shall not apply.
2 Forgiveness of District of Columbia debt may be considered income for federal tax purposes.