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Department of Housing and Community Development

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OCTO is aware of the global issue with CrowdStrike’s update impacting Windows servers and computers. CrowdStrike has identified the issue and a fix. We are supporting District agencies to ensure operations continue. At this time, District operations are not experiencing major impacts.

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RFAs RFPs Scattered Sites for March Madness 2017

On March 24, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) held “March Madness,” a pre-solicitation event to announce upcoming community development projects in the District of Columbia. Below, you will find more information about those projects presented at the event by agency. Click on the project name to see more information.

Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

DMPED Neighborhood Prosperity Fund

Department of Housing and Community Development

DHCD also announced Property Acquisition and Disposition (PADD) opportunities for:

Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

DC Office of Public and Private Partnerships (DC OP3)

To view the DC OP3 project pipeline, follow this link.

Office off the Deputy Mayor for Education

To see a full project list and timelines, click here

Department of General Services

DGS presented The Launch Pad, a new initiative aimed at engaging local Certified Business Enterprises (CBE), giving them the opportunity to receive small contract awards with the District Government for innovative ideas tied to citywide development. Following a concept similar to the nationally televised show “Shark Tank,” local CBEs compete for a business contract with the District of up to $10,000.

Office of Planning

March Madness also marked the first day residents and stakeholders to formally can propose amendments to the District’s Comprehensive Plan, a 20-year plan the District government uses to guide future development within Washington, D.C. Lead by the Office of Planning (OP), it contains the maps and policies that influence the neighborhoods where people live, work, shop, and play, as well as the investments the city makes in its services and infrastructure. Amendment proposal feedback runs through May 26, 2017. A set of amendments to the existing Comprehensive Plan that will be submitted as legislation for DC Council approval in early 2018. Visit for more information.