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Department of Housing and Community Development

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The DC Department of Housing and Community Development, through its Rental Conversion and Sale Division (CASD), administers several laws and programs related to tenants in rental housing:

  1. Laws related to the conversion of property to cooperatives or condominiums, such as The Condominium Act, and The Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act.
  2. The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA), which is a unique law in the United States that gives tenant groups the opportunity to purchase their building when it is put up for sale.
  3. The District Opportunity to Purchase Act (DOPA), which gives the Mayor the right to purchase buildings with five or more rental units of which 25 percent are deemed as “affordable.”
  4. The Housing Assistance Payment Program (HAP) for tenants displaced because their apartment building is converted to a condominium or cooperative.