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DHCD Seeks Design Input on New, Comprehensive Affordable Housing Database

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Goal Is to Centralize Data on the District’s Affordable Housing Stock

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development announced today it is seeking design input on a new public website that would, for the first time, provide comprehensive data on affordable housing in the District.

DHCD plans to launch an Affordable Housing Reference and Accountability Database (AHRAD) to centralize information on real estate designated for low- and moderate-income households as a result of District or federal affordable housing covenants, the District’s rent control law, and private efforts.

“As we work to produce and preserve more affordable housing for District residents, it’s important to have consistent and quality data on the city’s housing stock,” said DHCD Director Polly Donaldson. “Currently, however, data is scattered among numerous public and private agencies and organizations, which can hinder our efforts to work faster, and more efficiently, in creating affordable housing units and developing new strategies. The AHRAD project database will help resolve this issue.”

In a Request for Information (RFI), DHCD is soliciting advice from the information technology (IT) industry, and DC’s affordable housing and real estate community, on the technical aspects of AHRAD’s design and work plan, to include the best implementation approach. The agency is encouraging responses from those: (1) with expertise in providing public databases, records and document management services to government agencies—particularly those involved with real estate, housing, land management, or planning; and (2) who are interested in potentially using AHRAD.

Responses are due by 2 p.m. EST on September 3, 2018. Interested parties that plan to submit a response must register with the Office of Procurement.