DHCD Announces Additional Awards to Nonprofits to Support COVID-19 Recovery
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) announces 11 additional nonprofits will be awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds to support housing and community development organizations that have experienced an increase in administrative costs, constituent requests or other disruptions to normal operations due to COVID-19.
"We are trying to extend this resource to as many nonprofits as possible and help them continue their work in the community," said DHCD Director Polly Donaldson. "The public health emergency continues to have an impact on residents who are requiring more assistance from organizations that would usually be a resource of support."
The 11 additional nonprofits include:
Bethany Inc.
Byte Back
Dreamers and Achievers
Greater DC Diaper Bank
Jubilee Housing
Miriam’s Kitchen
Mission First Development Housing Corporation
Neighborhood Legal Services Program of the District of Columbia
SB Works
Veterans on the Rise
Ward 7 Business Partnership
In total, 45 nonprofit organizations will receive nearly $1.9 million in grant assistance.
Nonprofit organizations were eligible to receive up to $50,000 in assistance based on eligible reimbursable expenses. To be eligible, organizations had to: have federal 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or evidence of fiscal agent relationship with a 501(c)(3) organization; serve District residents or business owners by providing affordable housing or community development services; and be registered and in good standing with all applicable District regulatory agencies.
Requests for applications were received from June 29, 2020 through July 22, 2020. In August, Mayor Bowser announced the following organizations were notified for grant assistance:
ARCH Development Corporation
Bread for the City
Calvary Women’s Services, Inc.
Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)
Central Community Development Corporation
CHV Tenants Association
Columbia Heights Day Initiative/District Bridges
DC Central Kitchen
Diane’s House
District Alliance for Safe Housing, Inc.
East of the River Clergy Police Community Partnership
Far South East Family Strengthening Collaborative
Friends of Rhode Island Ave.
Habitat for Humanity of Washington, DC
Healthy Babies Project, Inc.
Homes for Hope
House of Ruth
Housing Counseling Services, Inc.
Housing Up
Manna, Inc.
Marshall Heights Community Development Org. Inc.
Mi Casa, Inc.
New Endeavors by Woman
Opportunities Industrialization Center of DC
Pathways to Housing DC
RAP, Inc.
Suited for Change
University Legal Services
Vida Senior Center
Washington Area Community Investment Fund, Inc.
Washington DC Fashion Foundation
Woodley House, Inc.
Young Woman’s Christian Home