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Department of Housing and Community Development

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Project Monitoring

Program Compliance Information

To ensure that programs and funding recipients serve District residents as desired, DHCD conducts appropriate oversight. The following types of oversight are conducted: (1) contract compliance – completing various federally required compliance reviews as part of the underwriting and project development process; (2) quality assurance – monitoring the compliance of DHCD funded sub-recipients with federal HOME Investments Partnership Program (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) funding requirements; and (3) compliance monitoring – ensuring projects developed by DHCD through the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF), CDBG, HOME and Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) programs remain in compliance with federal and local program requirements throughout the duration of the projects period of affordability.

The DHCD compliance staff monitors compliance with these programs through a review of annual reports and periodic on-site visits to properties.   These on-site visits consist of a file review and physical inspection of a percentage of the assisted units.  As the monitoring entity for the IRS on the LIHTC Program and HUD on the HOME, CDBG and ESG Programs, DHCD reports directly to them on issues of non-compliance. Environmental Review, Davis Bacon, Relocation, Fair Housing and Section 3 requirements are also monitored as they relate to these programs.

The following programs are monitored by DHCD:

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