Ms. Peta-Gay Lewis grew up knowing that she wanted to be a homeowner.
Ms. Lewis, who grew up in Ward 5, recently purchased a five-bedroom home in Ivy City. Becoming a homeowner culminates a long journey. When Ms. Lewis realized that her credit was not where it needed to be to obtain financing, she diligently worked to improve her credit score. After making some improvements to her credit on her own, she began working with Housing Counseling Services, where she took pre-purchase classes for the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP).
In 2011, Ms. Lewis learned about the DHCD’s Ivy City Special Demonstration Project, which is creating 58 new opportunity for homeownership in Ivy City. Ms. Lewis worked with the Latino Economic Development Corporation to complete her application for the HPAP program, and then placed a contract on one of the Mi Casa, Inc.’s Ivy City homes.
Mayor Vincent C. Gray celebrated the completion of Mi Casa’s units at a ribbon cutting in January 2011. The event was held at Ms. Lewis’ home; she moved in later that month.
The dream of homeownership became reality through coordinated efforts among District agencies: Ms. Lewis not only used HPAP, but also received at first-trust mortgage through the DC Housing Finance Agency’s Bond Program. By purchasing one of the Ivy City homes with the DCHFA’s first-trust and DHCD’s second-trust, Ms. Lewis financed her entire purchase through DC Government programs.
It is the little things that makes homeownership all the more important. “I grew up in a house,” says Ms. Lewis. “I wanted my kids to have the same opportunity. I wanted them to be able to have colored walls and enjoy being in a home.”
For more information about the HPAP program, click here.