The Town Hall Educational Arts Cultural Facility (THEARC) is a public/private initiative between Building Bridges Across the River (a non profit organization that was formed by William C. Smith & Co., a District-based development and property management firm for the specific purpose of developing this project) and DHCD. THEARC is located at 19th Street & Mississippi Avenue, SE. This facility sits on 16.5 acres of National Park Service land that was transferred to the jurisdiction of the District. Several public service entities occupy this building, including the Boys and Girls Club, Covenant House, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Levine School of Music and the Washington Ballet.
THEARC has become a centerpiece of the Ward 8 community. The DHCD served as a major funding partner in this initiative by providing $7 million of the $25 million total development cost.
For more information, please visit THEARC website.