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Inclusionary Zoning and Affordable Dwelling Units Program CBOs

The Inclusionary Zoning program creates mixed income developments by requiring affordable housing units in exchange for bonus density. DHCD monitors and enforces Inclusionary Zoning and Affordable Dwelling Units throughout the city.

Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) - requires that a certain percentage of units in a new development or a substantial rehabilitation that expands an existing building set aside affordable units in exchange for bonus density.

Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) - is an umbrella term applied to the for-sale and for-rent homes that are locally restricted for occupancy by households whose income falls within a certain range and are offered at a below-market rate.

To apply for assistance or receive more information, please contact one of the following CBOs:

IZ and ADU CBO Locations

Facility Name Address Phone Number
Greater Washington Urban League 2901 14th Street, NW  202-265-8200
Housing Counseling Services, Inc. 2410 17th Street, NW  202-667-7006
Latino Economic Development Center 1401 Columbia Road, NW Unit C-1 202-540-7401
Lydia's House, Inc.  4101 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SW  202-373-1050
Manna, Inc.  6856 Eastern Ave, Suite 100 202-559-2792
Manna, Inc.  614 S Street, NW 202-559-2792
Manna, Inc.  3425 A Street, SE 202-559-2792
Marshall Heights Community Development Organization 3939 Benning Road, NE  202-564-5604
United Planning Organization 3907 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE  202-562-3800
University Legal Services, Inc. 1800 Martin Luther King Jr., Avenue, SE  202-889-2196
University Legal Services, Inc. 3939 Benning Road, NE  202-527-7070
University Legal Services, Inc. 220 "I" Street, NE #130  202-457-4747