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Saving DC's Rental Housing Market Strike Force Report

Friday, May 21, 2021

Mayor Bowser established the Saving the District’s Rental Housing Strike Force with Mayor's Order 2020-129 on December 29, 2020. A report of the work of the Strike Force was issued on May 21, 2021 and transmitted to the Housing Agency Partners coordinated by the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. The Strike Force made 10 recommendations, a summary of which include:

Near-Term Recommendations

  1. Prioritize rental assistance for those with the highest eviction risk, supplemented by distinct outreach strategies of rent relief programs for low, moderate, and middle-income residents as well as traditionally marginalized population subgroups.
  2. Allow notices to cure, new eviction case filings, and evictions against residents who present current and substantial threats to health and safety to tenants, on-site agents or employees of the housing provider, or household members or guests of other tenants because of unlawful possession of firearms, serious threats, or acts of violence.
  3. Determine ways to phase in the end of the eviction moratorium to manage the immediate impact of its end on the courts and service providers and to provide safeguards for vulnerable populations.
  4. Seek ways to address the challenges pandemic-related emergency measures put on housing providers in ways that do not harm vulnerable residents.

Mid-Term Recommendations

  1. Convene a Commission to re-examine rent stabilization goals, outcomes, and policy recommendations.
  2. Review the requirements, limitations, and prioritizations of the existing Nuisance Abatement Fund and explore how to better target funds to quickly address housing violations without displacing residents.
  3. Support TOPA by increasing funding to target the creation of affordable housing and tenant ownership and strengthen the use of DOPA to preserve existing affordable housing.

Long-Term Recommendations

  1. Leverage federal funding to create more rent-and-income-restricted housing to meet the Mayor’s Housing and Homeward DC Goals through improved acquisition programs for land, commercial buildings, and unassisted, naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) buildings.
  2. Support increased density to produce more housing across all types of land use and explore procedural improvements to advance equity by spurring affordable housing production.
  3. Create incentives to produce or preserve extremely- low to middle income affordable housing High-Opportunity Neighborhoods.