DC Department of Housing and Community Development Director Polly Donaldson, whose office is located in Anacostia, told El Tiempo Latino on a tour of the properties that this two-home renovation project has been a direct investment by the Department to expand the offer of affordable homes in the District of Columbia.
The two renovated homes were part of a historic neighborhood on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, and were in a state of neglect and with great damage, so it was decided to dismantle them and move them to the other neighborhood that has gradually become a central and developing area in Anacostia.
"We rebuild and pay for the entire renovation and would like to say that these are affordable housing in Anacostia. For example this house costs $280 thousand dollars and has 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms; and the other ongoing home costs $230,000. Both are intended for family groups of at least 3 members in each," Director Donaldson said.
El Tiempo Latino/Tomás Guevara