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DHCD to Hold Strategy Meeting on NSP II Funding

Monday, June 1, 2009
This meeting will include presentation and discussion on proposed strategies for the Department's response to the NOFA for NSP II.

(Washington, DC) - The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will hold a strategy meeting on our application for the second round of funding through the National Neighborhood Stabilization Program. The meeting will be held on June 4, 2009 from 2 pm to 4pm on in the Housing Resource Center conference room on the first floor of our offices at 1800 Martin Luther King, Jr., Avenue SE.

The Department will present their proposed strategies for its response to the NOFA for NSP II. DHCD will be looking for feedback, suggestions and support as we move forward with our application, due July 17, 2009. NSP II is a competitive program with the goal of mitigating for the neighborhood effects of foreclosure. Program rules do not allow DHCD to use the funds for foreclosure prevention.

For more information about the program guidelines, please go to HUD's website.

Please RSVP to Pamela Hillsman via email or by calling (202) 442-7251.