(Washington, DC) - Leila Finucane Edmonds, Director, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), announces a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for certified Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) under the HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program, administered by DHCD.
NOTE: The funds under this NOFA will only be available to CHDOs with active certifications as maintained by DHCD.
The District is interested in financing projects that focus on the following categories: 1) elderly housing; 2) special needs housing; 3) housing for chronically homeless individuals and families in mixed-income buildings with supportive services; 4) preservation of housing affected by expiring federal subsidies; 5) new/substantial rehabilitation of housing (5 or more units); and 6) new construction and preservation of affordable housing units.
The competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) was released on July 23, 2010. The RFP package, including all application materials and the reference guidebook, is available in CD format and can be obtained at DHCD, 1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20020, 1st floor reception desk. This material can also be downloaded below. Please obtain the CD for fillable versions of the application, where applicable.
The reference guidebook contains technical information on the HOME program, as well as other information that may be useful in completing the application. Additionally, the Qualified Allocation Plan for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program will be available on the CD and on the DHCD website. For additional information, contact DHCD’s Development Finance Division at (202) 442-7280. Completed applications must be delivered on or before 4:00 p.m., Daylight Savings Time, Friday, August 20, 2010, to DHCD, Development Finance Division, 1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE, 2nd Floor Reception Desk, Washington, DC, 20020.
The Department will host a CHDO proposal conference on August 6, 2010, from 10 am to 12 pm, at the DHCD Housing Resource Center, 1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE, Washington, DC. Please continue to visit this page for updates.
NOTE: The following projects have been selected for further underwriting from this RFP.
Alabama Avenue Senior Housing
Vision of Victory CDC
2513-2547 Alabama Avenue SE
Ward 8, 91 units
Development Costs: $15,160,492
Amount Required: $5,000,000
LaRuby May, (202) 889-7297
Re-Entry Housing Initiative
Jubilee Housing
2710 Ontario Road NW
Ward 1, 24 units
Development Costs: $3,135,364
Amount Required: $1,285,000
Kathy Guillaume, (202) 299-1240
UPO-Alabama Avenue
United Planning Organization
2478 Alabama Avenue SE
Ward 8, 8 units
Development Costs: $2,921,031
Amount Required: $995,000
Kenneth Vinston, (202) 236-4600
- CHDO Notice of Funding Availability
- CHDO RFP What’s New
- CHDO RFP Process Flowchart
- CHDO RFP Fact Sheet
- CHDO RFP Summer 2010 Guidance
- CHDO RFP Reference Guidebook
- DC Green Communities Criteria Checklist
- Design Standards
- DHCD Financing Application Form 202 – Rental
- HOME CHDO RFP Exhibit Checklist
- Exhibit GB – Green Building Criteria Checklist and Green Development Plan
- Exhibit J – Form of Contract Affidavit
- Exhibit K – Developer Qualification Form
- Exhibit K – Development Team Member Current Work Load
- Exhibit L – Supplement to AIA Document 305
- Exhibit N – Management Agent Qualifications and Apartment Management Experience
- Exhibit T – DFD Forms 212 & 215
- Exhibit Z-1 – Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Certification and Checklist
- Exhibit Z-2 – Section 504 Construction Certification & Checklist
- Exhibit Z-3 – Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Instructions
- Exhibit Z-3 – Affirmative Fair Housing and Marketing Plan Template
- Exhibit Z-4 – Section 3 Opportunities Plan
- Exhibits Za-Zc – Project Monitoring & Monitoring Certification Form