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DHCD's Housing Regulation Administration, Rental Conversion and Sale Division Releases New Fee Schedule

Friday, October 1, 2010
Beginning October 1, 2010, the new fee schedule will be in effect for Rental Conversion and Sale Division filings.

(Washington, DC) - The Housing Regulation Administration, Rental Conversion and Sale Division administers the Rental Housing Conversion and Sale Act of 1980, as amended (D.C. Law 3-86) (Conversion Act) and the Condominium Act of 1976 Technical and Clarifying Amendment Act, as amended (D.C. Law 9-82) (Condominium Act).  Beginning October 1, 2010, the following fee schedule will be in effect for Rental Conversion and Sale Division filings:

Fee Type

Existing Fee

New Fee

§ 42-1904.03(d)–Condominium Registration Fee $37 per residential unit
$37 per parking unit
$100 per residential unit
$100 per parking unit

§ 42-3402.05 and 14 DCMR § 4717.1(a)– Application Fee; Convert a Vacant Housing Accommodation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /?>

$0 $100 per application
§ 42-3402.05–Application Fee and 14 DCMR § 4717.1(b); Convert a Non-Housing Accommodation $0 $100 per application
§ 42-3402.05–Application Fee and 14 DCMR § 4717.1(c); Convert to a Limited Equity Share Cooperative $0 $100 per application
§ 42-3402.05–Application Fee and 14 DCMR § 4717.1(d) ; Tenant Election Certification Fee $25 per occupied rental unit or $200, whichever is greater $100 per occupied rental unit or $800 whichever is greater


Condominium Registration Fee:  Due at the time of application for the registration of a condominium.

Vacancy Exemption Application:  Due and payable at the time an owner applies to convert the use of a vacant housing accommodation to condominium or cooperative ownership.

Not-a-Housing Accommodation Exemption Application:  Due and payable at the time an owner applies to convert the use of a non-housing accommodation to condominium or cooperative ownership.

Low Income Equity Share Cooperative Application:  Due and payable at the time an owner applies to convert the use of a housing accommodation or non-housing accommodation to a low income equity share cooperative in accordance with § 202(b) of the Conversion Act.

Tenant Election Certification Fee:  Due and payable at the time an owner applies to convert the use of a housing accommodation to condominium or cooperative ownership.

For more information please call the Rental Conversion and Sale Division on (202) 442-9505.