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District Government Agencies Selected To Participate In Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP)

Friday, February 12, 2016
DC’s Medicaid agency among agencies selected to participate in the Support Housing Tenancy Track of IAP’s Community Integration-Long-term Services and Supports program area
Washington, DC- The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF), along with several other District Government agencies, announced that is has been selected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to participate in the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) Supporting Housing Tenancy track of IAP’s Community Integration-Long-term Services and Supports program area. 
The IAP Award provides another opportunity for cross-agency collaboration of District government agencies and the providers that deliver critical services to DC’s most vulnerable residents. 
A team of senior level ‘decision makers’ from DHCF, the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Department of Housing and Community Development (DCHCD) and the DC Interagency Council for Homelessness (DCICH), will receive technical assistance on how they can collectively improve health outcomes using a whole-person approach, by focusing not only on health care, but also on the social determinants of health-primarily housing. 
Name  Organization Title Email address
Kristy Greenwalt DC Interagency Council for Homelessness (within the Executive Office of the Mayor) Executive Director [email protected]
Laura Zeilinger DC Department of Human Services Director [email protected]
Suzanne Fenzel DC Department of Behavioral Health Deputy Director, Office of Strategic Planning, Policy and Evaluation [email protected]
Polly Donaldson DC Department of Housing and Community Development Director [email protected]
Lisa Truitt DC Department of Health Care Finance Director, Health Care Delivery Management Administration [email protected]
Dena Hasan DC Department of Health Care Finance Lead Project Manager, Health Care Reform and Innovation Administration [email protected]
In addition to this team, key partners that will be instrumental in linking housing and health status are being tapped to also participate in this technical assistance award. The list of these key partners is below.
Name  Organization Title Email address
Adrianne Todman DC Housing Authority Executive Director [email protected]
Maria K. Day-Marshall DC Housing Finance Agency Interim Executive Director [email protected]
Maxine Harris Community Connections Director [email protected]
Christy Respress Pathways to Housing Executive Director [email protected]
Richard Bebout Green Door Chief Executive Director [email protected]
Karen Dale AmeriHealth District of Columbia Executive Director [email protected]
The Supporting Housing Tenancy track, which will take place in the form of webinars, will launch this month.  Each webinar will cover the following topics:  
  • Webinar 1 (February): The first webinar under the Supporting Housing Tenancy track will describe tenancy support services, current providers and funding sources, as well as Medicaid authorities that may cover tenancy support services.  States will receive information that will enable them to conduct a crosswalk of housing-related services, current funding sources, and available Medicaid options.
  • Webinar 2 (March): The second webinar will feature states with experience in providing Medicaid-funded tenancy support services and lessons learned from their experience.
  • Webinar 3 (April): The final webinar will focus on implementation planning, and discussion of strategies to address challenges in implementing tenancy support services.