
DC Housing Preservation Strike Force recommended the creation of a private-public preservation fund as one of six critical strategies to preserve affordable rental housing in the District. Mayor Muriel Bowser invested $10 million in local funds for the Housing Preservation Fund in DHCD’s FY17 and FY18 Budget.

The Housing Provider Ombudsman (HPO) helps small housing providers better understand the District of Columbia’s housing laws. The HPO is available to help in the following ways:

The Department of Housing and Community Development’s Housing Regulation Administration (HRA) administers and regulates facets of the District’s rental housing and condominium laws.

Access, a FREE listing service on housing opportunities.

DHCD Community-Based Non-Profit Organizations (CBOs) offer housing counseling services and training for potential homeowners, current homeowners, and tenants, with a focus on supporting low-to-moderate income residents and communities.

Grants from the federal CARES Act to provide relief to housing providers.

The District’s IZ Program sets aside affordable rental and for-sale units.

To ensure that programs and funding recipients serve District residents as desired, DHCD conducts appropriate oversight.

The National Center for Housing Management (NCHM), on behalf of the DC Department of Housing and Community Development, offers a free online self-paced Property Management Training (PMT) Course that covers the following information:

Providing renters, current income & rent limits, and tax credit information.

Residential and Community Services Programs providing comprehensive housing counseling services, small business technical assistance and façade improvement opportunities.

Remote access to thousands of filings with DHCD's Housing Regulation Administration.

Section 3 Program requires that recipients of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds, to the greatest extent possible, provide job training, employment, and contract opportunities for low- or very-low income residents in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods.

This program provides grants to repair roofs and make accessibility improvements.

The Site Acquisition Funding Initiative (SAFI) provides assistance costs to nonprofit developers committed to the production, rehabilitation, and preservation of affordable housing.

Through Community Based Non-Profit Organizations (CBOs), the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provides business support services to small and retail businesses in eligible commercial areas in the District of Columbia.

DHCD provides funding to highly qualified community-based non-profit organizations to develop storefront façade improvement projects in low/moderate income retail/commercial areas.

STAY DC rental assistance program to assist residents with paying their rent and utilities is closed.