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Department of Housing and Community Development

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Housing Production Trust Fund Advisory Board

The Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) Advisory Board (Board) was established by the Council of the District of Columbia, under the Housing Production Trust Fund Act of 1988, effective on June 8, 1990 (DC Law 8-133; D.C. Official Code section 42-2802.01), as amended. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Mayor on the development, financing, and operation of the HPTF and other matters related to the production of housing for low to moderate-income households. The Board may review the uses of the HPTF for conformity with the purposes of the Act and the Board shall have access to records related to the HPTF to perform this review.

The HPTF is a permanent, revolving fund organized and administered to facilitate the creation of affordable housing and related activities for District residents, through the provision of financial assistance to eligible nonprofit and for-profit developers.

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provides administrative support to the HPTF and to the Board.

Areas of Interest: