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Department of Housing and Community Development

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Pattern Book

The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) presents this Pattern Book from the DC Office of Planning as a tool, which can be used to aid design for the development and redevelopment of single-family houses within the Congress Heights, Anacostia and Saint Elizabeths (CHASE) communities. The book works in parallel with the Design Guideline and Maintenance Handbook, which provides information about typical architectural styles in the area and guidance on maintenance, repair, and replacement issues for existing housing.

The Pattern Book is based on buildings in the Anacostia Historic District, however it can be broadly applied to all CHASE communities. It conforms to local zoning, which sets out the legal requirements for development, and it provides additional design guidance to encourage infill that respects existing neighborhood fabric. This document is intended primarily for developers planning to build infill housing on vacant lots, but it may also prove useful for homeowners interested in rehabilitating their homes.