DHCD Ward 4 Community Check-in Meeting Summary
DHCD Ward 2 Community Check-in Meeting Summary
DHCD Ward 7 Community Check-in Meeting Summary
A meeting of the Housing Preservation Strike Force to discuss financing options for the preservation of affordable housing and future research.
B.F. Saul Prop et al v. Blake and Wendy Nelson (Decision) 02-18-16
Benham Pourbabai v. Chris Bell et al. (Decision) 02-18-16
The DC Housing Preservation Strike Force was created in June 2015 by Mayor Muriel Bowser. Its goal: addressing actions by or with the District government to preserve existing affordable housing.
Every year, the Department of Housing and Community Development competitively makes available federal and local funds for the construction and rehabilitation of real estate projects that create or preserve affordable housing units.
The developers of the 12 projects chosen came from a variety of backgrounds, from private businesses to non-profits that represent the best of the District’s communities:
Preservation Projects (Name, Location, Developer)
The office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development has created an Economic Intelligence Dashboard that includes information about affordable housing production and preservation by DMPED, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the DC Housing Authority, the DC...