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Department of Housing and Community Development

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The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), as well as its public- and private sector partners, hosts and supports a variety of activities to provide affordable housing and community development resources to District residents.

Many of those activities are listed on our events calendar page. There, you will find workshops conducted by our Housing Regulation Administration, public hearings related to DHCD projects, and events by external partners such as the Fair Housing Symposium and the Tenant Town Hall.

Following is a list of some events that are reoccurring, related to special initiatives and are held by external partners.

Needs Assessment Public Hearings: DHCD hosts Needs Assessment public hearings on housing and community development needs in the District of Columbia to receive community feedback to help form a basis for developing the draft of the District of Columbia Fiscal Year Annual Action Plan and the spending priorities utilizing federal entitlement funds. Here are the upcoming Needs Assessment Public Hearing for FY 2026:

Annual Action Plan Public Hearing: DHCD hosts an annual public hearing for its completed draft Annual Action Plan. The Action Plan is a requirement of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It provides a concise summary of the actions, activities, and specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used to address the priority needs and the specific goals identified .

National Homeownership Month (2024): June is National Homeownership Month, a time to encourage and promote homeownership, remind everyone of the importance of homeownership as one of the primary ways that District residents build wealth, and highlight how homeownership strengthens communities. For National Homeownership Month 2024, DHCD will host events and participate in events to provide District residents and families with information, programs, and resources on homeownership.

Annual Housing Expo and Home Show:  Hosted by DHCD, this all-day event occurs each June and celebrates “National Homeownership Month,” as promoted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

June Housing Bloom: Since 2016, the District has celebrated “June Housing Bloom” to recognize how the District produces and preserves affordable housing, spurs development in underserved communities and ensures that residents of all backgrounds can afford to live and thrive in the city.

Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) Advisory Board Meetings: This board meets monthly to advise the Mayor on the HPTF’s development, financing, and operation of the HPTF, which funds affordable housing production and preservation projects.

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs): DHCD funds the activities of several CBOs, which provide trainings and workshops on a variety of topics for home buyers, homeowners, tenants and small businesses.

March Madness and Pre-Solicitation Event: Every March, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) holds “March Madness,” a pre-solicitation event to announce upcoming community development projects in the District of Columbia.

DHCD YouTube Videos

You can stay connected and watch the latest videos about DHCD's events, programs, and services by exploring our YouTube channel. DHCD has videos in the following categories: